Oral Yeast Infections: Yes, They’re Common – and Contagious!

The last thing you would think to talk to your dentist about is a yeast infection! But when it appears in your mouth, or in that of your child, he or she is the first person you should call… and the sooner, the better. Oral yeast infections (or “thrush”) are actually quite common, and also contagious if you’re not careful. Here’s what you need to know in case one ever sneaks up on you.


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Mystery Solved: The Story on Canker Sores

Canker sores are quite literally a sensitive issue, but someone has to talk about it! What are canker sores (or “stomatitis”), why do they appear, and what can be done about them? Anyone who’s ever had mouth sores can attest to the fact that they are just as embarrassing as they are painful, but simply suffering through them does you no good. Get the facts on this common problem to take control of the situation before another outbreak.


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