Mind Your Meds: 6 Ways Medicine Can Sabotage Your Smile

Be honest: do you take the time to read through the lengthy medical pamphlets attached to your medications? If you thought the warning label on the back of the bottle had everything covered, think again! Often, there simply isn’t enough space to spell out every side effect on the container, and you could be overlooking important warnings to the detriment of your dental health. Should any of these oral symptoms suddenly arise, head to your dentist to find out if your medicine is to blame. (more…)

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Have A Heart Problem? 9 Issues Your Dentist Needs To Know About

Heading to the dentist’s office with a heart-related issue? It’s important to tell your dentist about it! Your mouth and heart are linked in more ways than you might expect – and failing to inform him or her about cardiovascular problems could spell serious trouble. For your health and safety, be sure to let your dentist know if any of the below heart conditions apply to you. (more…)

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Decisions, Decisions: Dentures or Implants?

You are ready to get your smile back, but which treatment is right for you? For many adults looking to replace missing teeth, the choice typically comes down to dentures versus dental implants — both of which have pro’s and con’s. (more…)

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Fact vs. Fiction: Does Aging Really Impact Your Teeth?

Troubled by the thought of what could happen to your mouth as you age? Don’t let old wives’ tales and stereotypes get the better of you! Time can take a toll on the most able-bodied of individuals, but you may be surprised by how much control seniors retain over their dental destiny. Read on to get the facts on common claims about elderly teeth and gums.


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Understanding Dental Care for Diabetes

What does oral health have in common with diabetes? A lot when you consider that high blood sugar can affect your entire body including your teeth and gums.


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For Seniors, It’s Serious: 6 Age-Related Risks to Your Smile

Health issues may naturally come with age, but who says you have to take them lying down? Believe it or not, something as simple as regular dental visits can make a big difference in quality of life as you get older, even if you’re sporting dentures or have managed to keep your smile free of cavities. Stay one step ahead of these six age-related oral problems by making routine checkups a top priority.

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